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Finding life’s loving partner… “a miracle as difficult as splitting the Sea of Reeds!”
(Genesis Rabbah 68:4)

Mazel tov on finding your loving life partner! 


Indeed, as our sages of old recognized long ago, identifying your intended match is far beyond a blessing… it is a joyous miracle! As it is written: “A Roman matron once asked Rabbi Yosi, ‘Since the Creation of heaven and earth, what has your God been doing?’ Rabbi Yosi answered, ‘[Match-making,] connecting this one with that one, and that one with this one, so-on and so-forth,' adding: “It’s a miracle as difficult as splitting the Sea of Reeds.’” (Genesis Rabbah 68:4)

In light of the many variables of two independent lives and their momentary alignment, allowing these souls a choice to act or not to act, it may be fair to say that Rabbi Yosi’s observation is correct. Your match is a miracle, one that should be acknowledged and celebrated with those near and dear to your hearts.


At KEIRUV, we wish to help you create a meaningful and moving celebration that is as meaningful and moving as your blessed union. Whether you are envisioning something traditional or something unconventional, something small or large, something near or far, our experienced guidance and soulful officiation is intended to empower you to realize your vision!


FEE: None (except expense reimbursement). However, KEIRUV will ask you for a “Pay-It-Forward” Donation to help other families, couples, individuals in need. To find out more, visit our DONATE page or connect with us via our CONTACT page. Thank you!

True to our Core Values of COMPASSION, CREATIVITY, and CONNECTION, KEIRUV maintains no prerequisites for our wedding officiation service. After all, love is love is love is love and Judaism’s tremendous depth and breath is completely and authentically capable of helping to articulate the sincerity of your love. Though not a prerequisite, KEIRUV does offer — for those couples who wish — the option to partake of pre-marriage counseling. These sessions focus on the couple’s communication skills, further enabling them to address any upcoming challenge of life together. 


"Thank you, Rabbi Klaven, for meeting with us! We’re ashamed to admit that we’ve been made to feel guilty by other rabbis for what we truly believe was God’s plan... putting us together. We both left our meeting with you today feeling like THIS is what it's supposed to feel like! This is the welcoming, loving spirit of Judaism we had expected. We are grateful to have found it through KEIRUV. Thank you!" (K.B. & C.P.) 

"You have really gone above and beyond! Imagine… we reached out to you just as an officiant, but you have become much more than that to us... our rabbi, our friend. Because of your pre-marriage counseling, we are a stronger, healthier couple. We are and will remain forever grateful. There just aren’t enough words." (N.M.)


"Before reaching out for a rabbi, I was soooo nervous. Though deeply spiritual, as you know, I’m not Jewish. So, I feared feeling isolated from my own wedding. Thanks to your genuine, unjudgmental, and inviting approach to my beloved and me, not only did I feel comfortable with the entire process, my sense of being part of something greater than myself was greatly increased. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!" (A.H.)


"My husband and I don’t go to synagogue. Still, Judaism is very important to us. We are Jewish! What a blow it was to be rejected by so many rabbis, after asking them to officiate a Jewish wedding ceremony scheduled to start a couple hours before Shabbat’s official end. Thank you so much for saying 'yes.' Your ceremony was beautiful, heartfelt, and exceeded our expectations. I’m certainly no authority, but I believe in honoring your fellow Jew (us), you honored the values of Judaism."  (E.T.)

"Wow! What an honor! We are so proud and privileged to have had Rabbi Marshal officiate our wedding! Rabbi Marshal was fun; his diligent attention to detail was divine; he was creative and articulate; he listened with empathy; and his singing voice was transcendent. Rabbi Marshal was always available to help us through any situation we faced, exceeding any expectations. I’ve had five rabbis in my life and Rabbi Marshal is by far my favorite! My bride says, “Marshal is The Best Rabbi Ever!” We knew instantly he was OUR GUY to marry and guide us towards bliss and happiness. Are you Tying the Knot? If so, we 1000% recommend KEIRUV and Rabbi Marshal for you! Pure and simple: The Best!" (E.W.)

"Thank you so much for helping us to celebrate our marriage and for the beautiful ceremony you conducted. It was an amazing experience for both of us, and we received many compliments on it. In particular, many of our guests were inspired by your words and asked how we found such a wonderful officiant - particularly in such a remote location.  We were very proud to share what we knew about KEIRUV and your work more broadly." (D.G.)

"We can’t begin to thank you for all your help in making our day so special. Beyond just being a fantastic officiant, you have really helped us lay the foundation for our future interfaith family. Your spiritual guidance is invaluable, and we truly appreciate your help with everything. Please accept this donation to KEIRUV as a token of our gratitude and know that we hope to continue speaking with you and leaning on your warm and open friendship in the future."  (E.C. & D.J.)

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